Google Adsense MediaWiki Extension
Revision as of 13:47, 30 April 2016 by Adam.birds (talk | contribs)
The Google AdSense extension allows to easily add Google AdSense advertisements to the sidebar of your wiki. This extension requires an account with Google's AdSense.
- Download and place the file(s) in a directory called GoogleAdSense in your extensions/ folder.
- Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
require_once "$IP/extensions/GoogleAdSense/GoogleAdSense.php";
// Your Publisher ID
$wgGoogleAdSenseClient = 'pub-8330046405419293';
// Your AdSense AD Unit ID
$wgGoogleAdSenseSlot = '1640430293';
// This can be anything you like
$wgGoogleAdSenseID = 'yourwiki-2';
- Add any of the optional settings below, if your settings deviate from the defaults:
// Width of the AdSense box, specified in your AdSense account
$wgGoogleAdSenseWidth = 120;
// Height of the AdSense box, specified in your AdSense account
$wgGoogleAdSenseHeight = 240;
// Source URL of the AdSense script
$wgGoogleAdSenseSrc = "";
// Show the AdSense box only for anonymous users
$wgGoogleAdSenseAnonOnly = true;
// Your Publisher ID
$wgGoogleAdSenseClient = 'replace this with the client name';
// Your Adsense Ad Unit ID
$wgGoogleAdSenseSlot = 'replace this with the slot name';
//This can be anything you like
$wgGoogleAdSenseID = 'replace this with your ID';
- If you want to add a "Text/image, 200x200" into the Vector skin you will need to shift the left panel over slightly. Add the following to the MediaWiki:Vector.css page
#footer {
margin-left: 11em;
#left-navigation {
left: 11em;
- The default portlet label "Advertisements" can be changed to "Sponsored Links" on the "MediaWiki:Googleadsense" page. Please note: no other variations are permitted.
- Remember to disable ad-blocking services such as AdBlock when you want to see if the extension is working!